
Website Pre-launch Activities.

I was going to launch a website with the help of Saqib. We found these articles helpful. Smashing Magazine is a fantastic site where people from almost every IT related field share their knowledge. So I thought that I should share website pre-launch activities with everyone 🙂

wrote a very helpful article regarding essential checks before launching a website.  It is a bit old but still very much useful.

Saqib also came across the following article and found it useful.  Rand Fishkin writes it.

I found this checklist which is useful regarding the launch of a website. It is also available in smashing magazine’s article given above. Dan Zambonini wrote this in 2009. So some of the things might not be applicable these days.

After going through all the website pre-launch activities you can move forward with the website optimization after you are on the edge of launching your awesome site.

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Hassan Raza